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Frequently Asked Questions

Digital Marketing Starter Kit

  • Digital Marketing Starter Kit enables launching ads in 4 easy steps without prior digital advertising experience. It is an easy-to-use digital advertising platform equipped with prepopulated ad copies, creatives and digital vouchers. On top of that, you can also upskill your team on the latest eCommerce and Digital Marketing best practices on the Education Hub.

  • Based on your industry and campaign objective, the cost of running a digital marketing advertisement will differ. The most common way to measure digital marketing cost is by measuring cost per click (CPC). The industry benchmark for fashion industry for example is around RM0.30 per click.

  • The number of people you are able to reach depends on how much you are willing to spend. You can build your spend gradually, but the recommended advertising budget would be starting from RM1,000 in order to see faster results.

  • Retargeting your website visitors, page fans and existing customers tends to work well for increasing conversions. How many people you can reach and how many times they will see your ads will depend on your media budget. If you are not reaching enough people, try increasing your campaign budget. Based on the objective that you set, the platform will also help you to get the best result through its campaign optimization feature.

  • The most effective images are often the simplest ones. Include the promotion or the key benefit into the visual. Be mindful of 20% text rule as your text must be less than 20% of entire image. You can test carousel and single image ad formats to see which one works best for your business.

  • After you set up your campaign and allocate a budget, you will be prompted to input your credit card details to pay for the campaign.

  • If you do not have a website, we will help you build online presence using Google My Business so that your business can still be discovered online. You can also run digital voucher ads to drive traffic to your physical store. If you already have a Facebook or Instagram page, that is good. You can also promote and drive traffic to your Facebook or Instagram page where customers can message you for information or orders.

Ready to sign up for Digital Marketing Starter Kit?

The FAQ’s are meant for clarification purposes only. The FAQ’s may be modified from time to time. Please refer Terms of Use and Terms & Conditions of the products and/or services for more information.

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