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Connecting to Customers through Astro

Download the PDF version here.

Connecting with Customers that matters the most

Whatever your business goals are, customer growth and purchase intent are usually part of them. TV advertising and content marketing are some of the ways you can consider to engage with your customers.

Commercial Spot

High Reach & Frequency = High Brand Recall

Find out how these channels can enhance brand recall among potential customers.


  • Affordable - options of Nationwide / Regional coverage
  • Easy execution and fast turnaround time
  • High reach and strong in call-to-action campaign


  • Captive audience with higher engagement and credibility
  • Wide range of channels across genres & natives = Targeted Audience
  • TV remains the most trusted medium with massive reach. - The 4 key digital players FANG (FB, Amazon, Netflix, Google) have increased 70% / US1.6B TV ad spend in 2018.


  • Affordable & cost effective
  • Big and established universe of digital assets covering diverse range of consumers in a brand safe environment
  • Precise targeting with guaranteed deliverables
Content Marketing

Relevance & Engagement = High Brand Affinity.

As Malaysia's leading content creator, producer & aggregator across all platform, Astro provides an avenue for advertisers to create contextual brand associations with targeted audience through strong content. In 2020 alone, they have produced and commissioned over 9k hours of local content.

Maxis SPARK UsahaWIRA #bangkitbersamaSME360

Join and be rewarded!

The Gift

  • Enjoy 20% Free Ad Credit
  • Type of Purchase : Any Advertising Packages on Astro TV, Radio & Digital
  • Valid till 31 January 2022
  • Terms and Conditions apply

How to Redeem

Lucky Draw

Stand a chance to win FREE ad credits worth over RM4mil. Sign up now!

The Prizes

  • Advertising packages across TV, Radio and Digital
  • Media Value : Up to RM400,700 per package
  • Total winner : 10 winners
  • Package utilization by 31 January 2022
  • Terms and Conditions apply

How to Win

Open to all attendees of SPARK UsahaWIRA

Sign up to be a member of SME360 at

Download the PDF version below.

Get up to RM5,000 off now