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Working Together As A Team with Microsoft Teams Office365

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Microsoft Teams, the hub for teamwork in Office 365

Today's workplace runs on teamwork. With the right business tools, employees are more productive, more profitable, and more engaged. 

Are employees engaged in their jobs?

  • One-third of U.S employees say they are fully engaged in their work.
  • More than half of all U.S employees report that they are NOT fully engaged in their work.

Engaged employees produce desired business outcomes

Teamwork : 84% of employees work on multiple teams.

  • 49% Slightly Matrixed - sometimes work on multiple teams
  • 18% Managed Matrixed - work on multiple teams every day with most people reporting to the same manager
  • 17% Highly Matrixed - work on multiple teams every day with different people reporting to different managers.

Highly matrixed team members :

Collaborate more effectively

More than one-third of employees who work on teams reporting to different managers on a daily basis strongly agree that being on different teams help them collaborate more effectively with coworkers.

Are more engaged

More than one-third of employees who work on teams reporting to different managers on a daily basis strongly agree that being on different teams help them collaborate more effectively with coworkers.

Are more committed to quality

Employees who work on teams reporting to different managers on a daily basis are 40% more likely to strongly agree that their coworkers are committed to quality.

The benefits of teamwork for the organization:

Teams add flexibility within the organization

Teams help companies react more quickly and improve speed to market

Teams help employees build strong relationship and boost morale

The benefits of teamwork for employees:

Working in teams helps employees grow while encouraging employee proficiency, productivity, creativity and collaborative efforts.

The modern workplace

  • 80% of employee time is spent collaborating with others
  • 43% of American workers work remotely at least some of the time
  • 2x more teams compared to five years ago

The costs of ineffective collaboration

Less Agile

Takes longer to make and execute decisions, go to market and respond to customers

Lower Quality

Bad decisions due to incomplete data and fewer viewpoints

Reduced Innovation

Lack of information sharing means discoveries aren't leveraged in other areas


Research shows that simply feeling like they're part of a team of people working on a task makes people more motivated as they take on challenges. -

Research reveals that employees who are engaged in collaborative environments are more likely to:

  • Have higher engagement
  • Experience less fatigue
  • More success

The growing standard for collaboration:

  • 125k organizations using Microsoft Teams
  • 50% increase in collaborative work
  • 181 available markets for Microsoft Teams

The hub for teamwork in Office 365

Integrated Office 365 apps

Manage all your conversations, files, and tools in one team workplace using the necessary business tools.

Customizable and extensible

Tailor your Teams workspace and build custom integrations to your existing business processes.

Enterprise security and compliance

Enjoy the enterprise-level security, compliance, and management features you expect from Office 365.

Chats, calls, and meetings

Communicate in the moment and keep everyone in the know. Chat in public or private groups or one-on-one, as you work together as a team.

For more information, please visit:

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