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TikTok Behavior Targeting

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Behavior Targeting

TikTok’s Behavior Targeting helps increase the relevance and efficacy of TikTok ads by allowing advertisers to target audience based on their actions on TikTok.

What are the benefits?

Intelligent Indicator

  • Provides segment audiences based on up-to-date in-app behavior indicating relevance or interest to your brand.

Wide Coverage

  • Utilizes a multi-tiered approach that enables brands to reach TikTok users based on both broad or niche subjects.

Optimal Performance

  • Identifies target audiences via behavior signals that maximize ad resonance and effective conversion.

Behavior Targeting’s Range

TikTok’s Behavior Targeting is based on user’s in-app video views and interaction with their favored creators.

  • Views
  • View Completion
  • Video Content
  • Comment
  • Share
  • Like


  • Viewing Creator's Homepage
  • Type of Favored Creator

Behavior Targeting vs. Interest Targeting

Behavior Targeting

Logic: Based solely on user behaviorin the past 7 - 15 days.

Signals: Tracked behavior

Content Type: Organic only

Interest Targeting

Logic: Predicted through machine learning based on long-term past behavior & key indicators

Signals: General behavior

Content Type: Organic & Paid


Availability: Global

Format: In-Feed Ads (Auction Ads)

Platforms: TikTok Ads Manager

Ad Placement: TikTok, TopBuzz, BuzzVideo, News Republic

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