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Frequently Asked Questions


  • ONERetail is a suite of solutions specially curated for Malaysian businesses in the retail industry. It includes business solutions such as eCommerce, Cloud POS(inventory management and cash drawer), mPOS (mobile payments), and advertising solutions such as eSMS and e-LBA.

  • We have a range of solutions suitable for businesses of all types and sizes, along with a dedicated team that can help you determine which solutions are right for your business. Just fill in your details below and someone will be in touch with you soon to find out more of your needs.

  • You can choose any one of the solutions or a combination of multiple solutions, depending on your business needs.

  • There is no requirement for you to be an existing Maxis customer to enjoy ONERetail. However, if you are a MaxisONE Business subscriber you may be entitled to a special price for certain solutions.

  • The contract obligations and penalty requirements will apply according to each individual solution.

Ready to sign up for Maxis Business Retail?

The FAQ’s are meant for clarification purposes only. The FAQ’s may be modified from time to time. Please refer Terms of Use and Terms & Conditions of the products and/or services for more information.

Need to get in touch with us?

Contact Maxis Business Customer Service